I've been building one main site in Joomla as a way of becoming more familar with the product. is a site for a friend's English Language school in Beirut, Lebanon.
There are thousands of reviews of Joomla vs. Drupal but and I am sure that my own experience mimics that of many others. Initially I have found that the community around the two CMS systems seem quite different. While Drupal is clearly built on the Open Source ethos Joomla extensions and the community around them seem to have that annoying habit of wanting to build on what's offered open source with their own commerical offerings. They tend of offer basic versions of their extensions free hoping to get people hooked enough to pick up the commerical version.
I haven't been able to find a real idea of what major extentions are supported by the community behind Joomla and where the Open Source development is focused.